Employment Hero operates as a remote-first organisation, with a global workforce. The annual Global Gathering is a week-long event where employees come together to form connections & align strategically. Each year, our goal as the design studio is to craft distinctive brand elements for the chosen location and year. To accommodate the diverse range of deliverables, we created a comprehensive pattern, illustration, and color suite, ensuring scalability from pens to stage screens.

These brand elements were inspired by key elements of the Danang location, such as the Han River, the Dragon Bridge, the national lotus flower, and the beachside resort. The brand elements are organic in shape and style, contributing a hand-drawn aesthetic to the brand identity. In collaboration with the design studio and event teams, we successfully curated over 90 branded assets & produced 100+ presentation slides. 

CLIENT: Employment Hero | ROLE: Creative direction, Senior brand designer | OUTPUTS: Merchandise, signage & wayfinding, printed collateral, presentation slides.